Friday, November 16, 2012

Cheese...and not the kind on my ass...

Recently, my family and I made a trip to the Beverly Hill Cheese Store. Yes, traveling 45 minutes to see some cheese seemed a bit much, but my mother insisted. 

From the moment my boyfriend opened the door (yes, I'm one of 'those' girls who refuses to open the door for herself), the overwhelming smell of rich and luscious cheeses infiltrated all of our senses and left me feeling like I just got a Sweetish massage. 

*Note: after our outing, I wrote a letter to Glade asking if they could replicate this smell into one of their 'oil plug-ins' and got no response. Fuckers!  

Anywho. After the initial "bitch-slap" of amazing smells you get when entering the store (and standing there like an Asian person walking into Time Square) the friendly staff offers out samples. Kidding. The staff (mostly older Jewish men) are not the most friendly people in the world...but who gives a shit, they know their cheese, and personally, I prefer a "stand offish" type of person anyway. Overly friendly people shouldn't be trusted. Perfect example, In n Out. Why the hell is their staff so god damn happy to hand out milkshakes and burgers? I truly believe, that if asked they would dish out a blowie just to make their customers happy. This is the single reason I don't frequent their establishment. 

I digress...

The only thing that could trump the smell of this place was the taste of the cheese. We tried everything from Bries to Triple Creme, to Gouda, to soft ripening and Truffle. If I had to ballpark how many cheeses we tried, it would weigh in close to 50...hence why we walked out spending close to $400. 

My Favorites: 

#1: Roquefort Blue Cheese 
Made in France
Semi-hard blue cheese made of sheep's milk and green mold. Perfect balance of tangy and smooth. 

#2: Il Boschetto al Tartufo
Made in Italy
Made with cow and sheep's milk infused with white truffle. Aged 3 months. Excellent on Pizzas, pastas, and a baguette. 

#3: Exporateur Triple Cream 
Made in France
Originally named after the US Satellite, the "Explorer" in the 1950s. It's a soft-ripened cheese made with cow's milk. It just melts in your mouth...or other places. No comment. 

This was a long way to come for a girl who had divorced parents and a single dad who could only make three dishes; grilled cheese, mac n cheese, and quesadillas. My childhood experience with cheese included Kraft Singles and Cheez Whiz. In my opinion, Kraft singles need to be taken off the market.  Even though Cheez Whiz is disgusting, Jim and I still find "exciting" ways to use it! 

Yes, this is a homeless man eating a bottle of Cheez Whiz 

After this adventure, I deemed that "cheese tasting" comes in a close second to "make-up sex." Enjoy! 

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