My loves (in order)

These are a few of my favorite things...

 #1: THE FAM. 
As if the schnoz didn't give it away, the beautiful and amazingly hysterical lady in the middle is my mother. She's fun, witty, aggressive and kind of a bad-ass! I'd be genuinely surprised to meet any college kid that could drink this lady under the table. She is a master of many things...1: detecting bullshit, 2: spending outrageous amounts of money on food and beverage, and 3: using her facial expressions to announce to the whole room when she finds someone unappealing.  The gentleman sitting to the right (who also resembles the "most interesting man in the world") is my step-dad. He's a simple man. By "simple", I mean a former boy-scout, 4th grad spelling bee champion, and a killer frisbee thrower. He pretty much lets my mom run the show...which is a sign of his intelligence level. Trust me. He is one smart fella. We all work together, so it should go without saying, that we want to choke the shit out of each other on a daily basis; but at the end of the day, we bond over our favorite wines, and all seems right in the universe. 

#2: Wine is ever thine.
Grapes+Fermentation+Barreling=Nicole being a happy girl :-) Here's the thing...I work with children, about 800 per week. I deal with poop, vomit, crazy-ass parents, and teaching them something that looks like a cartwheel. So needless to say, I don't have time to come home and drink a shitty bottle of wine. While I don't mind dropping serious coin on my favorite bottles of fine wine, it becomes problematic when it's 7 days a week. Without sacrificing flavor, taste, and aroma, I'm hell-bent on finding fabulous wines at a reasonable price. 

#3: "Get in ma belly" food
Growing up in a traditional Sicilian household has done many things for has enabled me to tell a story while ravenously waiving my hands in the air, I can not speak at a normal octave (there is NO SUCH THING as an 'indoor voice'), my face contorts in unattractive ways while passionately talking about something, I'm horribly violent, and yes, I LOVE ME SOME FOOD! Our culture is directly centered around food and dining. It's considered offensive to not demolish your meal, and that's exactly what I plan to do for the rest of my plump life. Portion control issues? I think so!  I wake up thinking about dinner, and I go to sleep thinking about dinner. I go out of my way to try new cuisine, yes, cow testes are in my near future. When it comes to fine food...there is not stopping me. 

#4: Flexible & Strong...yes, I am a gymnast!  
With 4 National titles under my belt, you can probably guess that gymnastics is a part of who I am. I did it, I teach it, and I sell it; gymnastics is my way of life. Growing up in gymnastics made me the target of many jokes...flat chested, buff chick, and shorty were just a few of the lovely names shouted my way. All I wanted in life was to be skinny and tall. Well, all the praying, blowing out candles, and finger crossing didn't change a god damn thing. As an adult, I'm still semi-buff, and short; The 'tots' never came naturally, so Dr. Mirifati helped me out with that. Needless to say, being a gymnast kicks ass. 

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