Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's soooo PHÓ-KING good!

Jackets are on, mittens are snug, and women are telling the world "the turkey is done", even through the most heavy of cable-knit sweaters.

It's winter time people!

...which can mean only one thing...

It's also Phó time!

Take off your rings and prepare to swell your ass off (due to the high contents of sodium in this delicious treat). Nothing tastes better than a scolding hot bowl of whatever-the-fuck PHÓ is, during a chilly day. I contemplated researching what made up this brothy soup, but I'm not sure I want to know. I tend to enjoy this delicious meal at places that look like they are harboring Vietnamese fugitives in the basement, and receive low grades on their health inspection reviews. As my grandfathers says "If it doesn't look clean, drink more...the booze will kill the bacteria"; A motto I religiously live by.

First and for most, the best reason to enjoy Phó is the price. You can't beat a meal that leaves you feeling warm, bloated, and swollen for under $8.00. You better believe I ALWAYS offer to pay for dinner when it's Phó night. Even with a 250 pound boyfriend, I can almost always leave the restaurant paying less than $20 for the both of us...plus, it gets me out of paying for the next meal, which I almost always suggest Kelly's or some other fine-dining establishment on my significant other's dime. Classy, I know.

Upsides to eating Phó:
The price.
The taste.
It comes out almost immediately after you order.
It combines a light broth soup with thin slices of meat on top of tasty noodles.
You can add SHIT-LOADS of Sriracha to it.

*Side note: anything that makes my mouth feel as though it's bleeding and possibly inducing a stroke is perfection in my book.

Downside to eating Phó:
You slide into severe depression and or/ a 2 hour coma after consuming it.
You convince yourself you are 3 months pregnant...yes, this applies to men also.
The restaurants are somewhat shady.

Overall, if you are a stuck-up person who isn't willing to rub elbows with non-English speaking patrons, this probably isn't going to be your 'thing'; for everyone else, Phó is a delicious soupy-treat that can be enjoyed at any time!

My recommendations:

Yes, this place just recently had a shooting right next to the restaurant, but despite its terrible location, it's extremely clean and has semi-secured parking. You will almost always get a waiter/waitress that doesn't speak a lick of English and you will wonder for the next 10 minutes if they got your order right. I like a little mystery to my dining experience, so I appreciate this!
Phó America (Pacific Ave) 

Although they just did an "overhaul" on their decor, you will still feel as though you are stepping into an illegal operation that involves animal trafficking. Setting this gut-feeling aside, their Phó is one of the best I've ever had. Downside, they are only open for lunch and closed on Wednesdays. Poo! 

Phó Hông Phát (Anaheim Ave)

As long as you can muster up the courage to deal with mustaches, fixed gears, and lame tattoos, you will love the open and inviting feel of Number Nine. The best thing about this place is that it's close to my house and you won't get mugged when walking to your car. Downside to this place, the broth isn't authentic tasting and overhearing the conversations of "organic" and "Prius'" by it's hippy customers gets really old! 

Number Nine (4th Street) 

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