Thursday, January 10, 2013

Put some COFFEE in my bean!

For most Americans, coffee has become a daily staple in their every day routine. Whether it's the smell, taste, or caffeine fix you desire, coffee seems to curb the angry edge that most people get throughout the day. For me, coffee provides that rumbly-bumbly in my tummy that usually evolves into a nice little "drop off"; not always, but I always keep my hopes up.

Coffee Bean, Pete's, Portfolio, 7-11, Roasters, and Starbucks...and more Starbucks...and even more Starbucks are all within 2 blocks of my house. So which one is bound to blow my effin sox off?

We'll see...

Besides the fact that I can't seem to pick my nose without seeing a god damn Starbucks, they are pretty convenient and offer a consistent menu. Until recently, there didn't seem to be any difference in the coffee from Starbucks to Starbucks, but man was I wrong. Just on 2nd street alone, there are 2 Starbucks, and they could't be more different. Alberto at the East 2nd Starbucks delivers fast service. He's well aware that the prima-mommies of Belmont Shore need their fix or they aren't going to graciously toss in their fifteen cents into the tip jar. Where as Alberto is gung-ho on getting his jo out in a timely manner, Christian at the West 2nd Starbucks is all about the chit-chat. I used to think he was hitting on me (it doesn't help that he consistently stares at my breasts), but then I realized he talks to all his patrons in such a friendly way. Because Christian's his easy-going attitude, I do believe that his Carmel Macchiato comes out better then the one from Alberto.

Moving on.

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